Debbie is both a good friend to me and an amazing gift to the Body of Christ. She has deep insight into the principles of blessing and wealth that been formed in her through years of growing in knowledge and faith concerning resources and money. She has an understanding of God’s desire to bless His children and a revelation of the true prosperity that can permeate every aspect of our lives.
In this book, Debbie will inspire a hunger in you to walk in the fullness of the blessings God has for you. You will be challenged, energized, and enlightened as Debbie shares the path she personally walked - including lack, sin, rejection, self-dependence, hard work, discovery, blessing, and eventually, wealth.
I believe that reading Debbie’s book will transform your life. If you are in desperate need of God’s provision in your life, she will help you get on the right path. If you are already convinced of God’s desire to bless you, but you have not been able to walk into those blessings, Debbie will help you understand areas that need to be totally changed, slightly adjusted, or somewhere in between.
Debbie is a sincere, authentic woman of God who wants to make a positive difference in many people’s lives. I highly recommend “Wealth Without Sorrow” and I am honored to write the foreword to this impactful, life-changing approach to life with the blessings of God.
-Dr. Marilyn Hickey/President and Founder of Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Denver, CO

Growing up, Debbie Kirk’s family wasn’t poor, but they certainly weren't rich either. She had two parents who loved her, and no one ever told her that she wouldn't amount to anything. But during her teenage years, Debbie found herself more interested in her current rebellious lifestyle and dropped out of school after the eighth grade. At sixteen, she rededicated her heart to the Lord when she met her husband-to-be. During this time Debbie began applying the principles of the tithe and offering. God instilled in Debbie that He was her Source; and He would open doors and protect her if she was in covenant with Him. The Lord had begun dealing with Debbie’s legalistic heart; and instead of “earning her way,” God changed her heart to “blessed to be a blessing.” Through years of trials and pruning, God revealed Debbie’s passion in regard to financial freedom, being debt free, and obtaining wealth His way; wealth without sorrow. She had no degrees or wealthy heritage, just obedience to the principles in the Word of God that brought Debbie and her husband, Ron, out of debt and into the blessing.
Are you sick and tired of being stuck financially? Come alongside Debbie’s journey, learn and apply these same principles to start living in God’s system of wealth and abundance: one of Wealth Without Sorrow!